N. G. Group strives for the highest standard of occupational health and safety and is committed to a workplace that is free from injuries. |
The company-wide Environment, Health and Safety Management System provides a structured framework for effective environmental and safety practice across all of N. G. Group’s activities and operations. |
The system, based on the international standards, has been designed to ensure consistent standards for all employees and contractors. It incorporates industry best practice and includes 17 management standards and more than 30 hazard standards. |
N. G. Group investigates and reports all accidents, near misses and hazards. The primary index used to measure safety performance is the Total Recordable Case Frequency Rate (TRCFR), which is defined as the number of recordable cases (medical treatment and lost time injuries) per million hours worked for N. G. Group employees and contractors. |
External assessments of N. G. Group’s environment, health and safety standards have been undertaken at major operating sites to determine the level of conformance, to provide a baseline from which opportunities to improve performance can be identified and acted upon. |
Our Health and Safety Vision: ‘We all go home from work without injury or illness’ |
We believe that: |
No business objective will take priority over health and safety. |
All injuries and incidents are preventable. |
No task is so important or urgent that it cannot be done safely. |
Without diminishing management’s obligations, the responsibility and accountability for health and safety rests with every individual. |
At N. G. Group we are committed to conducting our business in a manner that prevents injury or illness to employees, contractors, customers and the public who may be affected by our work activities. We encourage best practice in health and safety management within this wider N. G. Group community. |